Home Care for Animals

1250 Conn Ave NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC , DC 20036




Home Care for Animals 

Dr. Dehne A House Call Veterinary Service


 Basic, affordable, and convenient pet care


 Flexible times to see your pet



Laboratory tests at the time of the appointment in many cases. Some tests are performed at our office or submitted to an accredited laboratory.


Heartworm and parasite control products available at affordable prices


Domestic and International Health Certificates  (DC). Note that International Health Certificates required planning, sometimes weeks or months before travel.


Long time interest in management of Ear Infections


Urinalysis Services with specimen pickup


More than 30 years of experience in veterinary practice. 

We service the greater Washington DC area including Chevy Chase, Palisades, and Spring Valley.


 Sign Up for Home Care News


Inquiries: e-mail gwdehne@homecareforanimals.com.  Please include the best time to return your call. We look forward to hearing from you about your animal and answering your questions. Gary W. Dehne, DVM